Pricing based only on what you need

Tell us what you need to do

What tools are you interested in? (select 1 or more)

Powerful visual structuring tool and digital whiteboard
Import validated company data from 5 countries
Collaborative and sharable with clients and stakeholders
Intelligent document automation with the JuristIQ engine
Export data to known formats, like Excel or PowerPoint
Best-in-class timeline tool for litigation and SOPs
Automatically create timelines from email threads
Check for duplicate content with the JuristIQ engine
Manage and assign tasks and subtasks with calendar export
Import deadlines directly from MinRetssag

Do you need extra features?

Monthly price per seat:    EUR 

Want a quote?

If you are more than 5 people in your organisation, you may be eligible for a discount. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you are interested in hearing more (and remember that we have a free plan that you can sign up for by clicking here).

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